About Us
Coastal Accessible transport (CATS) Is a non-profit organisation providing accessible transport services for anyone regardless of age who does not have access to their own transport or cannot access conventional public transport due to mobility or rural isolation in Suffolk Coastal.
The organisation is governed by a volunteer committee with the day to day running by their office based in Leiston.

Our Story
In July 1997, a management committee was formed for Coastal Accessible Transport Service”, CATS for short. The aims of CATS were to provide an accessible transport service that the users needed to improve their lifestyle, to give them access to interests and essential services outside their home.
In February 1998 CATS first minibus was purchased to provide door to door transport for Leiston and the local villages.
In October 2000, after a six-month trial a new service was started up in Woodbridge and surrounding villages. The new service was known as Peninsular and Woodbridge Service (P.A.W.S).
In October 2006 after many years of fundraising CATS had raised enough funds to purchase another vehicle which allowed more flexibility with community group hire work and day trips for its members.
In July 2007, the services of the Aldeburgh Leiston & Saxmundham Volunteer Centre could no longer continue due to staff/committee retirements. The community Car Service which was part of the volunteer centre was such an essential role within the community it was agreed that CATS would take over the overall management of this service and the staff moved to CATS office to continue this vital service. We now have drivers in 28 parishes including Framlingham and Woodbridge.
CATS has continued to develop its services and since June 2009 operated S22 Demand Responsive Transport services (bus services). These services were designed to reach rural areas which received little or no bus services and to act as transport feeders for the local bus routes and train stations.

Our Values
- We care passionately about making a difference.
- We always go the extra mile.
- We are an organisation that you can trust.
- We are flexible, adaptable, and open to change.
We care passionately about making a difference. We are motivated by a genuine desire to make a difference to the individuals and communities we serve. This aim is shared across our board, our staff, and our volunteers. We are committed to adding value through our actions and enriching the lives of those using our services. We enable people with mobility difficulties or with a lack of access to transport – whether young or old – to live independent lives and participate in their communities. In this way, we reduce social isolation through providing safe, accessible, and affordable transport.
We always go the extra mile. The personal, caring aspect of how we deliver our services is what sets us apart from others. We are friendly, patient, and professional, and we do everything we can to ensure the safety, comfort, happiness, and well-being of our customers.
We are an organisation that you can trust. Trust is at the heart of everything that we do, trust in the reliability of our service and trust in us as people who care. We work to maintain and build upon our historical reputation for delivering a reliable, safe, high quality, affordable service for local people who really depend on it.
We are flexible, adaptable, and open to change. We are keen to explore new ways to improve our services and increase our social impact.
Our Committee
Our committee members are all volunteers with a diverse set of skills, they are dedicated to keeping CATS on the road and serving the local communities with transport to access local hubs to carry out every day essential services or attend medical appointments.
CATS are always looking for new members to join the committee who have a desire to help their local community and shape the future of CATS.
Our Minibus and Community Car Drivers.
Our volunteer drivers are invaluable to us, they are dedicated to helping their passengers, maintain their independence, to go shopping, socialising, or attending appointments. They are caring, patient and willing to assist passengers on to our vehicle or with their shopping bags.
All our volunteer drivers are DBS checked and Midas Trained.
CATS is always looking for new drivers either to drive one of our vehicles or their own (expenses paid). Please contact the office for more information